The coast-line of Lahemaa is like a petanque field of Giants or the war-land of the Lilliputs. Both the giants and the liliputs are known from Jonathan Swift's novel Travels of Gulliver. The small village of Viinistu hosts a theatre production based on the Travels of Gulliver in summe 2018 and thus, an aptly named and designed cache can be found near the theatre stage.
The cache is located near the old boilerhouse-converted to theatre hall. Near the cache is another small building where with little words big promises are made. When you are at the 0-point, you should be able to see the isle of Mohni with it's lighthouse.
The cache's container is a silver egg - mainly because the liliputians treasure eggs a lot.
The container is fixed with rubber bands, please do not break them. In the container: log book, pencil and sharpener, rules of geocaching. The first finder gets two tickets for the theatre production :)
Lahemaa on oma maastiku ning rändkividega justkui hiiglaste petankiväljak või liliputtide sõjatanner. Mõlemad tegelased on lugejale tuttavad Jonathan Swifti romaanist "Gulliveri reisid", mille põhjal valmib 2018. aasta suvel Viinistu katlamaja-teatrisaalis samanimeline suvelavastus NUKU teatrilt. Aare on peidetud katlamaja lähedusse, peiduka lähedal on üks hoone, kus väheste sõnadega antakse suuri lubadusi. Nullis olles peaks merele vaadates näha olema Mohni saar oma majakaga. Aarde konteiner on suur hõbedane muna - just seepärast, et munadel on lavastuse esimeses vaatuses oluline osa. Muide, kummast otsast sina muna purustad - teravast või jämedast otsast? Konteiner on kinni tõmmatud kummipaeltega (palun neid mitte katki tõmmata), on logiraamat, pliiats ja teritaja, geopeituse reeglid. Esimesele logijale on mõeldud ka kutse kahele etendusele "Gulliveri reisid"! Vaata ka: