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An Ex-train-eous Le Meurtre a la Gare Mystery Cache

Hidden : 1/9/2020
4.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

Welcome...    ... to Drayton, Township Mapleton, County Wellington, Ontario Canada.

This cache is not for everyone.  You will be required to have numerous TOTT to complete, including a cell phone with data. Please be careful at posted coordinates, as the floor can be slippery especially when covered with water or snow.

Out of respect for residents of Drayton, PLEASE NO NIGHT CACHING!!!

The Drayton CNR Train Station circa 1925

Figure 1 - The CNR Train Station at Drayton, Ontario circa 1925.

Image available at, accessed on 17April2020.

CNR 4-6-0 Engine 1532 at Palmerston Ontario

Figure 2 - CNR 4-6-0 Engine 1532 at Palmerston Ontario.

Image available at, accessed on 13April2020.


Near posted coordinates, you will find a small parking lot.
There is a second lot across the road (northwest...ish).

The Murder Mystery ...

Your name is Inspector Cluedo from the Paris' "Gendarmerie Nationale". Upon arriving at the Drayton, you are whisked off by the local OPP to a Mysterious local Train Station Mansion, as the unthinkable happened just moments before you arrived. OUI!!! Un Meurtre!!!

Cluedo Logo

Figure 3 - Cluedo Logo

Image available at, accessed on 13July2019.

The Crime Scene...

Your murder mystery will take you back into time to 1925 to Drayton's mysterious Train Station Mansion at Le Parc Centennial
(actually the picnic shelter 🕍).

Le Parc Centennial, Drayton, Ontario

Figure 4 - Le Parc Centennial, Drayton, Ontario

Image available at, accessed on 13July2019.

The Game's Afoot...

As a detective with superhuman sleuthing skills, they have enlisted you to solve the mystery, that is, to deduce (a) the murderer, (b) the murder weapon, (c) the room in which the dastardly deed was done, and (d) the proof-of-visit code. This will in turn will lead you to the final container where the killer left his signed confession. But be forewarned, that your tasks may be more difficult during the winter months.
So don your deerstalker Sherlock Holmes' hat, pickup your magnifying glass, knock on the door and enter into the Train Station Mansion and find the evidence you need to bring the nefarious trickster to justice!
Once you have found the three pieces of evidence enter them into the Police Net GeoChecker without any spaces, and it will return the coordinates of the nefarious trickster's confession. NOW, go get'tem' if you have a CLUE DOH!!! ROFLMAO!!!

Your Solution...

Remember, you are questing to deduce the following:

murderers name
murder weapon
murder room
proof-of-visit code

Your Solution Choices:

The Suspects...


The Suspects

Figure 5 - The Suspects

Image available at, accessed on 17July2019.

Miss Scarlett
Mrs. White
Mrs. Peacock
Professor Plum
Mr. Green
Colonel Mustard


Murder Weapons...

Cluedo Logo

Figure 6 - Murder Weapons

Image available at, accessed on 13July2019.

Lead Pipe


The Rooms...

Cluedo Rooms

Figure 7 - The Rooms

Image available at, accessed on 17July2019.

Dining Room
Billiard Room

The Proof-of-Visit Code...

  1. At the parking coordinates, you will see a sign post with a number of signs screwed to it.
  2. On the bottom of the sign, there find the "BYLAW number".
  3. Add all the digits together to get a two-digit sum.
  4. Convert this new number a word.
  5. This is the Proof-of-Visit Code

The PoliceNet Geochecker...

You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.

Enter your solution string with no spaces nor punctuation into the Police Net Checker:


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Lbh ner ybbxvat sbe n irel ybj unatvat ovfba.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)