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My new Elephant? Mystery Cache

Hidden : 6/17/2018
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Having bought a lifestyle block, things were looking pretty green and lush in the paddocks, a little too much for a lawnmower to cope with. Sheep were needed...and fast. (Domestic sheep are quadrupedal, ruminant mammal typically kept as livestock. Like most ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates.). So luckily we knew a bloke with plenty, and we ended up with a few too many.. forty six were delivered over a few days. Whoops, as we had only two paddocks, one with zero fencing, something had to be done. Electric fencing was the call, lets zap these Ovine visitors into shape!! So we borrowed some reels and plenty of standards and built at least seven breaks (smaller temporary paddocks). I wont lie, I am not the smartest farmer, and there were at lease six occasions i thought, nah, it'll be ok, i don't need to unhook the fence from the mains.. i wont get zapped....Hmmm How wrong i was....At least two times tears were brought to my eyes, and i do believe sheep giggle. Finally our time was up with these fat sniggering woolly things, they'd done a great job chewing their way through the greenery, and the call was made to remove them. However on the morning that they were to be removed, imagine to our dismay when looking into the paddock, only to see sixteen of the neighbour's young beef calves,(Cattle—colloquially cows—are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos taurus.),jumping into our paddock......and chasing the sheep. There was a bit of scratching of heads, and a few swearwords - maybe eight or so.. how on earth are we going to wrangle this lot ?? Never fear, the two men and myself swiftly erected another electric fence and chased the Bovine delinquents behind that, where to my delight I witnessed how effective it was on the unsuspecting beefy behind! Note many times did i get a reminder that electric fencing is not to be toyed with ? Zero!! I was so smug! So with the Sheepish mob being safely loaded on the trailer, our thoughts were turned back to the bullish mob. We removed a few staples from the sheep netting - yes - NOTE its called sheep netting for a reason - not cow proof ... and rolled down a fair bit to hopefully encourage them to hop nicely over - back to where they came from. Well seven did. ( Good Boys) . the rest, oh yeah , lets do a few more laps of the paddock, bucking and kicking and having a whale of a time ... i think I counted at least four laps of laughing cows... (yes, cows laugh people), but these bovines are not made for cheese production oh no... they don't have the required equipment.. I must admit after a few failed attempts at getting them to jump, that thoughts again turned to isn't there a rule of 'finders'keepers'?? However we don't want to get on the wrong side of neighbours and be known as the cattle rustlers of number eight. So to our amazement and relief, we finally got them convinced the grass wasn't greener on our side ( thanks Sheeps) , and they went nicely back over the fence, which is now cow proofed and secure from nosy Bovines. BUT we've since been having discussions as to what on earth we are going to stock our land with, and the only sensible thing is an Elephant! A multi purpose creature. It'll be good at heavy lifting , helping to put in fences, pull out tree stumps, dissuade the doogooders who come door knocking, and imagine the fun at school pet days !! So it'll be off to the farm supply shop to get the appropriate fence posts, netting , timber and gates before we take delivery.... Oooh I cant wait!! And YES, its a true Story..

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