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Vic's Plunder Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Jimbolaya!: Making way for new!

Hidden : 2/9/2018
4 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is part of our FAB 4 cache series! (Funcoast Annual Bash)

Update: The puzzle no longer works because the web browsers are not supporting Adobe Flash Player any longer, so here are the coordinates. N27 14.541 W82 16.857

No Longer Valid:You might be asked if you want to allow a browser plugin to run to view the webpage and solve the puzzle. If you have any trouble opening it, please try a different web browser.

They have different size jigsaw pieces from very large (easy to do) to very small (really hard). I chose not to do the smallest ones as it would be too challenging, So I have varied the sizes on the FAB 4 caches, some big, and some smaller and more challenging (but not the smallest).

Once you put the jigsaw puzzle together, it will have a picture of a Funcoast Bash Crew Member or Members, and it will also have the actual coordinates to the cache.

Make sure to save all the coordinates from each puzzle as you solve them as you will need them to complete the Junior Cache, and then ultimately the Senior Cache.

N27 _ _. _ _ _ W82 _ _._ _ E

Once you get the cache coordinates for this cache after you put the jigsaw puzzle together, use the format above to find out what 'E' is and save to solve Junior Cache.

This run from power line road parking area to the Senior Cache and back is about 3 miles. It is a “hiking only” trail and the hogs have rutted up the path making it a bit challenging to walk even.

Please be careful where you step, watch where you are stepping and not the GPS. You don’t want to twist your ankle in here as it would be really hard to extract you for this location by emergency services.

You should be okay as long as you pay attention to where you step. Be safe and have fun!

Please take lots of water and bug spray, as this is around the area where the mosquitoes breed at.

When we picked up the last round of caches from last year there were several that the lids were NOT closed properly and/or the baggies were not sealed and water had ruined them.

Please take the 10 seconds to close the baggy if there is one and/or close the container properly.

What takes you 10 seconds to do, saves us from spending hours and $$$$ replacing swag, logs and containers. Also re-hide as well as you found it or better so it doesn't get muggled.

These caches were approved by Steve Giguere Park Manager

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fznyy Wne

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)