This is the ninth in a series of regular, roving GAGB events. The first few will be organised by GAGB committee members, who plan to invite the wider caching community to organise their own in future - watch this space for announcements.
The main purpose of these events is: to welcome along geocachers who haven't been to events before, and to meet more experienced geocachers to discuss caching, find out what GAGB does, and take advantage of the area to find a few caches.

This event will be held from 1pm until 4pm on Saturday 24th March, at:
Kentisbeare Village Hall
EX15 2AB

Kentisbeare is a medium-sized village situated in the Devon countryside, but at the same time not far at all from the motorway. The countryside is quite typical of Devon, i.e. lots of fields, woodlands, and footpaths. 'heartradio', who will be hosting the event along with Leonards193, has set lots of caches in the area - plenty to keep you occupied on the day of the event
- including two trails which can be completed from the Village Hall car park itself: one is a four mile walk and the other a two and a half mile walk. He likes placing unique cache containers, so be prepared for not just the ordinary Tupperware pot if you're going out caching before the event. You may or may not see him and Billy the Pony walking the lanes prior to the event.
He can only be bribed for hints with large amounts of chocolate 
The event is being hosted by GAGB committee member Leonards193 with heartradio, who may release a couple of new caches on the day if he gets round to it - more on this to follow! We have hired the Village Hall for the afternoon and we propose to run a raffle to cover the cost of hire, voluntary donations are also welcome. Please do bring your swappables and geocoins, join in the geochat and enjoy the fresh Devonian air! All cachers, young and old, experienced and inexperienced, are welcome to come along; if you do happen to be a newbie, welcome, and there will be plenty of people to help you learn more about Geocaching. There will also be tea and coffee available.
Parking is available in the village car park directly outside the Hall, which is accessible to wheelchairs.
If you live in Devon, then let's hope the weather is dry; if you don't live here then don't worry, it's always sunny in Devon!! 
When you post a "Will Attend" log, please let us know how many people there will be so we can bring appropriate amounts of provisions, and so HR knows how much logbook replacing he needs to do beforehand!!
More information about the GAGB can be found on this website.
We look forward to seeing everyone there!