This is cache nr 20 in the Athene Noctua series aiming to take you to nice places in the country. As the cache within the Caledonian waterfall trail has been abandoned we placed this cache at the very end of the waterfall but not on the trail. The cache is named after our doggy Spencer from NL she loves playing in the water, the dirtier the better.
This cache will show you the beautiful end of the trail near the trout farm. More info and pictures will follow.
Note the Platonas two local cachers will be the guardian of the cache when we are not in the country.
Cyrnfr gnxr pner chggvat gur pnpur onpx va gur pbeerpg cynpr abg orvat ivfvoyr. Nccebk. Bar naq n unys zrgre nobir gur jngre. Orjner bs zhttyrf.