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Chimichanga Los Sombreros Series - 0376 Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Egghammer: Archiving to free up space for other caches

Hidden : 10/13/2016
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Egghammer and lulu_zulu were sitting around eating Chimichangas one day discussing how tired they had become visiting mummy all the time. lulu_zulu also happened to mention how frustrating it was that he lost his favourite Sombrero hat that he was given by mummy on one of his visits with her.

After they finished eating, Egghammer and lulu_zulu then got talking about the cool geocaching related things that has happened to London over the years, from the awesome 582 caches on the London Loop series by masterninja and another cacher, to the 26 caches in the London Big L geo-art series by Norshley to the 60 caches in the Incredible Wiggly Line geo-art series by Egghammer and lulu_zulu to most recently the successful yearly Geocaching Amazing Race events held every September by Egghammer and lulu_zulu, which over the past few years has been attended by more than 100 cachers each year from as far away as Nova Scotia, Michigan, New York and from all parts of Ontario, which they hope continues to get bigger and bigger every year.

After reminiscing about some of the cool stuff that London has seen, Egghammer and lulu_zulu decided to do something big, something even bigger than what London has seen and what they decided on doing is putting out this 1000+ cache run. Included in this series is a 76 cache geo-art of an Inukshuk.

If you start this series at 0001, the majority will be on the same side of the road (there are some that are on the other side though unfortunately). There is plenty of shoulder space to pull over at the side of the road during this cache run, but please always be careful and please watch for traffic, be safe, and most of all have fun.

Please replace the cache to its original hiding spot.

Egghammer and lulu_zulu like to have fun, can you figure out what we’ve hidden on one of the cache pages?

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Additional Hints (No hints available.)