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Põduste 2 Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Pohatu Nuva: Archive

I'm archiving your cache as it has been disabled for more than one month and it is lost or completely damaged. Usually, caches are visited and maintained within 30 days after disabling.
If you wish to unarchive your cache then please contact me using GC code or link of this cache.

If there are still leftovers from a container I would appreciate it if other players could collect them so that there is no trash in nature.

Happy geocaching!

Hidden : 6/23/2016
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Tõrise külast saab alguse Saaremaa üks suurematest jõgedest - 30km pikk Põduste jõgi. Ennem merre suubumist väisab veekogu ka Saaremaa "pealinna" Kuressaaret. Jõge ületava Eesti ühe suurema, pikima ja vanima kivisilla juurest saab piki kallast kulgevat väikest rada pidi Kuressaare laheni välja kõmpida.

Väikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel kivisillast asub Põduste 1 aare, millest omakord kiviviske kaugusel Põduste 2. NB! Mugavusühiskonnas üles kasvanud inimestele paneme südamele, et tegemist on pool-metsiku rajaga, seega tasub jalutades jalge ette vaadata. Siinkohal tervitused ühele põhjanaabrile, kes Põduste 1 aaret otsides vette kõndis!

NB! Auto jätke Kihelkonna mnt ääres oleva vana kivisilla juurde ja aardeni tulge mööda väikest jõeäärset jalgrada. Ärge minge Jõe tänavat mööda, sealt kaudu satute kohalike elanike hoovi. Pärast logimist taastage maskeering. Kevadise suurvee ajal on tee aardeni oluliselt raskendatud.

Saaremaa's largest Põduste river starts from Tõrise village. 30 kilometer long river ends up in islands "capital" Kuressaare. One of the longest, oldest and biggest stone bridge crosses the river. From bridge you can walk alongside river right to the sea.

After small walk from the bridge, you will find Põduste 1 cache. Small walk from that, there is Põduste 2. Trail by the river is semi-wild, so watch your steps, or you will end up in river like one guest cacher from north did ;-)

NB! Leave your car near old stone bridge at Kihelkonna road. Trail to cache starts from new bridge, not the Jõe street. From there you will end up in other peoples back yard. Restore the camouflage after logging. During high waters in spring time, hike to cache is mutch more difficult.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)