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Wind Chime Traditional Cache

Hidden : 6/14/2016
1.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Wind Chime is a new cache in Veterans Park.  Fun playground, picnic tables, and horseshoes nearby.  Also a few other caches in the vicinity.  Cache is stocked with a few tradeables. 

Wind Chime cache was named by my caching partner MontanaTwinkleToes after we hung out in the cache zone for a few minutes on a breezy summer day.  Might be easy to spot but getting your hands on the cache container may be a challenge for the un-spry.  Muggles abound so you'll have to time your visit appropriately and be extra sneaky.  Bring a writing stick and please replace cache as found so others can enjoy.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)