This is one of five caches hidden along Five Beach Bay. At each beach you will be looking for a small black Sistema containing a log book, pencil and small swaps. Each Sistema also holds a digit of the final coordinates for the Bonus cache located nearby.
GC6F8QP - Five Beach Bay - BONUS
Most of Maud Bay is private property so please stay to the right of the beach and pay attention to the signs signifying the boundary lines.
This is not a simple 'park and grab'. Allow at least 2 hours to complete the series as each hide is above the high tide line and moderately difficult bouldering/climbing is required to reach each GZ. Snakes (I encountered the scarily named 'Death Adder' when hiding), crocodiles and jellyfish are know to inhabit this area so please take these factors into consideration when searching.
Furthermore the geography of the bays means there are multiple hide spots at each GZ, hence the ratings. I have included strong hints for each location however if cachers are still finding it too difficult I can add 'spoiler photos' at a later date. I will also endeavour to reply to messages ASAP. Good luck.
Permission has been granted by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS). All standard rules and regulations must be complied with inside the National Park. NPWS Alerts
Congratulations to Karicka and Frullet for being the FTF.