A small rock wall I found in the woods above Tygart Lake.
My imagination went wild when I saw this 15' long rock wall. Is it a Civil War outpost guarding the valley or maybe just a rock wall that was started by a farmer?? Maybe it was simply a property line marking. So many possibilities. In this day and age of google we all think we are supposed to know everything. This wall may remain a mystery and thats fine. Maybe it's better that way. You can park along one of the pull-off's along Pleasant Creek Rd, then cross the creek, up the hill and cut across on deer trails to your left. You can also park on Clemtown Rd near 'The Cache King' which is a bit longer hiker, yet less elevation change. Suggest caching only Sundays only during November and December during huntimg season. A boat may be helpful on this one, but not necessary. Painted preform.
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