The final coordinates are N31 55.ABC W097 05.DEF
You can find digits A through D inside the rest area building and E and F just outside.
Find the answers to the following questions:
According to the Texas road map on the wall, what Texas Tourism Region are you currently in?
A=0 Hill Country
A=1 Prairies and Lakes
A=2 Panhandle Plains
A=3 Piney Woods
Besides the buffalo, what animal is displayed?
B=0 A horse
B=1 A donkey
B=2 A mule
B=3 A longhorn steer
What unusual event happened nearby in 1896?
C=4 A staged head-on collision between two steam locomotives
C=5 The battle of the Hill County Hill
C=6 Willie Nelson was born
C=7 The Hillsboro Outlet Mall opened
Where was Willie Nelson born?
D=6 Chatt
D=7 Abbott
D=8 Costello
D=9 Austin
What famous Texas lady encouraged the restoration of native grasses and wildflowers along highways and roadways?
E=5 Laura Bush
E=6 Ann Richards
E=7 Ladybird Johnson
E=8 Farrah Fawcett
From what Texas city is the windmill?
F=3 Amarillo
F=4 Abilene
F=5 Wichita Falls
F=6 San Angelo
The container is an aluminum pill holder and is within walking distance (over 200 Feet) of the rest area. Have fun and drive friendly!
NOTE: If you find a cache other than an aluminum pill holder, you did NOT find it. Please do not log it as such. I will delete your log. I don't like deleting logs. If you answer the questions correctly there should be no question of its location. If you cannot find it, either log it as a DNF or do nothing. Do not assume it is missing and replace it. I check this cache often and can do maintenance as needed. THANK YOU