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Zachary's Cache that Needed to Be! Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

GeoCrater: I am regretfully archiving this cache since there's been no word from the owner in the month or more since the last reviewer note was posted. If you want to re-activate the cache during the next couple of months, please contact GeoCrater to see if that's possible. If the cache meets current guidelines, consideration will be given based on the circumstances surrounding the original archival.

GeoCrater Volunteer Cache Reviewer

NOTE: My preferred method of communication is through notes on the cache page in question. However, should you wish to use email - please do not select "reply". In general, a replay to the mail bot will not reach me. Instead, please go to your cache page and e-mail GeoCrater from the log there or email me directly at, referencing the cache URL, or waypoint number.

Additional translation added as I support a number of countries:

Lamento archivar este caché, ya que no ha habido ninguna comunicación del propietario en el tiempo transcurrido (un mes o más) desde que se publicó la nota del revisor. Si deseas reactivar el caché durante los próximos dos meses, por favor, ponte en contacto con GeoCrater para ver si esto es posible. Si el caché cumple con las directrices en vigor, se estudiará dicha petición teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias que llevaron el archivo original.

Hidden : 2/16/2016
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is in the unique, Little Field's Park, and is farily easy/accessable. The Park is only open from 6:00 am - 10:00 pm. Enjoy!

One day, Zachary and I discovered this brilliant little park, but were astonished that there was no cache! Exploring new discoveries is one of Zachary's greatest reasons for geocaching... And we wanted to share this hidden gem with you! 

Happy Birthday, Zachary...Never stop exploring!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Nvz lbhe fvtugf sbe n uvture pnyyvat...

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)