Cum revitalizezi o casă degradată? Cu inițiativă și multă muncă. Un exemplu foarte interesant se găsește pe bulevardul Carol I la numărul 53.
CAROL 53 este un program cultural independent ce se dorește a fi un mediu de liberă manifestare și expresie în domeniile creative și nu numai. Este un program pilot, care prin documentare poate servi drept model de abordare pragmatică pentru grupuri de inițiativă în spații degradate sau abandonate al căror potențial este ignorat sau se pierde în procese birocratice, ajungându-se adesea la distrugerea sau pierderea lor irecuperabilă. Dorim crearea unui mediu cu precădere educativ, încercând conturarea unei platforme pentru educație non formală.
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Carol 53
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The house on Carol Boulevard number 53, a B-class historical monument, was designed in 1912 by the architect Radu Culcer for lawyer Mihail Pașcanu. Nationalized and turned into „The Offices of the Trade Unions, the 1st of May department” in 1952, it was recovered by its rightful owners in 2008. Renewal developments were begun, but they were shortly interrupted and the house was vandalized until the spring of 2012, despite the recurrent trials to stop the degradation. Nowadays, the house hosts an experimental programme which has the purpose of renovating the place and integrating it into the city’s cultural life. It is an urban space similar to public squares, which allows numerous actions, either similar or contradictory ones: building developments, inhabitation, relaxation and informal debates, film projections, theatrical rehearsals, free marketplace etc. A fusion of programmes and functions. Carol 53 is an open environment which stimulates, encourages and promotes the initiatives of individuals or groups. It’s an apolitical and non-discriminating space. We want to offer a neutral environment where divergent or convergent social categories can confront each other and share ideas, where the relationships between different generations can be redefined, with the purpose of developing the city and its culture.
Additional information
Carol 53
Images from the location