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MS 44 - Australia's Mineral Wealth Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

WA_Puzzler: The time has come to archive this series - five years is long enough and with so few finds, and even fewer solves, the recent fires have put the nail in the coffin for the series. At least 80% of the caches were retrieved a couple of days ago and are currently sitting on my back verandah, awaiting retrieval of the logs, and the others have been totally destroyed. Any caches out in place now are throw downs and finds on these will be deleted. Thankyou to all the geocachers who solved the puzzles and then enjoyed the finding of the caches. It really is a beautiful part of the WA bush, and a part that will forever be known as MS Land to many of us!

Hidden : 5/28/2016
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

The cache is NOT at the listed coordinates!!

MS 44

Australia's Mineral Wealth

In case any of you are wondering, that noisy conveyor belt that you will no doubt see on your travels up in MS Land carries bauxite down to the refinery at the bottom of the hill where some of the bauxite is refined into alumina. Both raw bauxite and refined alumina are exported from WA to many countries around the world. Australia does have some aluminium smelters (not here in Western Australia though) but we still have to buy aluminium from smelters overseas to supply our country's needs. Just something for you to ponder over the next time you drink from an aluminium can...

Australia is one of the top mineral producers in the world and has a large resource inventory of most of the world's key minerals commodities - producing 19 minerals in significant amounts from nearly 400 operating mines. Many other minerals are also found in less significant amounts.

Australia is the world's leading producer of bauxite, ilmenite, iron ore, rutile and zircon; the second largest producer of gold, lead, lithium, manganese ore and zinc; the third largest producer of uranium; the fourth largest producer of black coal (also the largest exporter), nickel and silver; and the fifth largest producer of cobalt, copper and diamond.

Australia has the world's largest resources of gold, iron ore, lead, nickel, rutile, uranium, zinc and zircon as well as the second largest resources of bauxite, cobalt, copper, ilmenite, niobium, silver, tantalum and thorium. Australia's resources of black coal, brown coal, magnesite, tungsten, lithium, manganese ore, rare earths and vanadium are ranked in the top five in the world.

Australia's mineral resources are an important component of the nation's wealth. Minerals are Australia's largest export, and are an important part of the Australian economy, accounting for ten per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs over a quarter of a million people directly. Australia's mineral resources are adequate for mining to continue as the most important export earning sector of the Australian economy for the foreseeable future.

The cache can be found at S 32° 3A.BCD E 115° 5E.FGH

A = Mercury - Titanium
B = Lead - Cobalt
C = Aluminium - Rhodium
D = Zinc - Iron
E = Tin - Tungsten
F = Gold - Strontium
G = Coal - Vanadium
H = Silver - Manganese

Good Luck!

FTF Congratulations richlink & OOH YEH

You can check your coordinates here.

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