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#119 Tversted plantagerne Traditional Cache

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Hidden : 10/28/2015
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Geocache Description:

Tversted Plantagerne.
Tversted Plantagerne dækker over flere områder øst for byen Tversted, og det er her, den almene befolkning kan komme ud og nyde naturen.
Områderne er: Tversted plantage, Tversted søerne, Elbæk plantage og Tversted kommuneplantage.

Tversted Plantage
Tversted søerne er en del af Tversted plantage. Det er et velplejet område med gode stier og veje til vandring, cykling og ridning.
Naturen selv, samt naturplejen i plantagen, gør, at mindre områder ikke er så nemme at komme frem i. Store grøfter med vand er også en hindring.
Der er en stor variation af træer og buske i hele området, og den jævne skovbund bliver til høje klitter, når man nærmer sig kysten.

Tversted kommune plantage
Det er en plantage, som har været overladt meget til naturen. Der er en ridesti og et fint ”vejsystem” i plantagen, men fælles for stierne er, at de flere steder er spærret af væltede træer.
Der er en stor variation af træer og buske i hele plantagen, og skovbunden er gammel kystbund med lette terrænstigninger.
Den sydlige ende af plantagen er en del af den mose, som ligger syd syd-vest for plantagen.

Elbæk plantage
Det er en mindre plantage med lidt skovbrug. Der er en ridesti og et fint ”vejsystem” i plantagen.
Der er en stor variation af træer og buske i hele plantagen, og skovbunden er gammel kystbund med lette terrænstigninger.
Der er et rigt dyreliv. Vi så 10 hjorte på en af vores cacheudlægningsture.

Tversted Plantagerne covers several areas east of the town of Tversted. Here the general population goes to enjoy nature.
The areas in Tversted Plantagerne are Tversted plantation, Tversted Lakes, Elbæk plantation and Tversted Municipality Plantation.

Tversted Plantage.
Tversted Lakes are a part of Tversted Plantage. It is a well-kept area, with good paths and roads to hiking, cycling and horseback riding.
The nature itself, and forest people makes smaller areas that is not so easy to pass. Large ditches with water are also an obstacle.
There is a large variety of trees and shrubs throughout the Plantation. The forest floor starts as flat surface but turns into high sand dunes when one approaches the coast.

Tversted municipality Plantation.
It is a plantation that pretties much has been left to nature itself. There are riding paths and "good roads" in the plantation, but they are blocked in several place by falling trees.
There is a great variety of trees and shrubs throughout the plantation. The forest floor is old coastal bottom that goes slightly up and down.
The southern end of this plantation is also a part of the marsh which is located south-west of the plantation.

Elbæk plantation.
It is a small plantation with a little forestry. There are riding paths and "good road" in the plantation.
There is a great variety of trees and shrubs throughout the plantation.
The forest floor is old coastal bottom that goes slightly up and down.
There is a rich wildlife in Elbæk plantation. We did see 10 deer when we placed the caches.

It was that story. Have a nice hunting..

Additional Hints (No hints available.)