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STAR: Doctor Who and the Cache Cave Station Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Rock Rabbit: The cache owner is not responding to issues with this listing, so I must regretfully archive it.

Hidden : 7/25/2015
2.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

The T.A.R.D.I.S. has rematerialized again inside of the Cache Cave!

If the Cave is not open, please call: 509-720-8382 or email: to make an appointment

This cache is part of the 2015 (Spokane History - closed), 2016 (Filmed in Spokane - open, some coins left!), and 2017 (Sustainability of Spokane - closed) Geocache Tours. The Doctor had the T.A.R.D.I.S. on a mission for the Spokane Trains and Railroads Geocoin Challenge and now he's back with what he discovered along the way in the form of a fun new puzzle. If you are participating in the 2018 Spokane Trains and Railroads Geocoin Challenge be sure to download and print your STAR Passport Find many other helpful resources at and get started today.

This cache is placed and maintained by Lookout Lisa.

The first stop for the Doctor and the T.A.R.D.I.S. was not far away as they landed in Silverdale, Washington at the repair warehouse of GT&T - Goblindust Telephone and Telegraph. The year was 1984. Goblindust himself was working a regular shift in that time and got the TFS (T.A.R.D.I.S. Fone System) up and running again. While Goblindust was wondering how a phone built just months ago all of a sudden looked like it was 30 years old, the Doctor noticed something hanging on a nearby wall of the warehouse. It didn’t look like it belonged. He carefully wrote it down in his notebook, “2”. With the TFS repaired the T.A.R.D.I.S. started warming up. It was time to go.


The Doctor wondered what mystery he was to solve as the T.A.R.D.I.S. landed on the East side of the same state. The Doctor knew where he was because he recently visited the very spot but the Green Line looks much different in 1947. Along came a train on the nearby track. It was a strange train. It was an engine pulling 315 Milwaukee Road bay-windowed Rib Sider Cabooses.

“That’s odd.” the companion said in her Cockney accent while pointing at a particular caboose rolling by.

The Doctor agreed. All the cabooses before and after were individually numbered with 6 digits. But this one had just a single number. The Doctor carefully wrote it down in his notebook, “2”. He no sooner was done when the T.A.R.D.I.S. began making that noise. They’ll soon be on the move.


The T.A.R.D.I.S. came to a rest in the year 2041 in the heart of Spokane. The Doctor and the companion stepped out. "Ah yes", the Doctor thought to himself as he looked up, the last time he seen this portal it wasn’t completely built yet. The ancients of Spokane planned well. Back then the portal was one end of the “Gateway” Bridge designed as a bicycle and pedestrian bridge to cross the railroad tracks of the Red Line. Real hoverboards and hoverblades reign supreme now days and it has been a good 8 years since a bicycle (with tires that contacted the ground that is) crossed this bridge. Underneath, a Magnatron Bullet Train zipped by and disappeared in mere seconds arriving in Ritzville 4 minutes later. The flying bus that was hovering at the Gateway Bus Stop pulled away thus revealing an object that the Doctor had seen before at GT&T. He carefully wrote it down in his notebook, “2”. With the objective accomplished, the T.A.R.D.I.S. took it them to the next location.


It was early afternoon whentThe Doctor and the Companion exited the T.A.R.D.I.S. They were very near the Barney and Smith Company in 1904 Dayton, Ohio.

“Why here? Why now?” the companion asked.

“I think I know” the Doctor replied, “looks like they’re open, let’s sneak in.”

The offices held the engineering and drafting rooms of a company that builds railroad cars. Quickly the Doctor found the draft table with drawings of the car he suspected, number 988. The draftsman was on a break. The Doctor examined the drawings and noticed what was wrong, and thus why they were there. The Doctor snuck a nervous look around to make sure he wasn’t observed, grabbed the draftsman’s pencil and wrote a note on the drawing 'Contact Pullman Car Company, Pittsburg'. He turned on his heel with a “Let’s go” to the Companion but stopped short causing the Companion to bump into him. He saw it again, this time on a post running to the ceiling. He carefully wrote it in his note book, “4”.

“OK, now let’s go.” he said.

As they walked back to the T.A.R.D.I.S. the Companion asked, “How did you know about that particular car?”

“Simple” he replied, “the best breakfast I ever had was in this car on the Lilac Line in 2020.”

As soon as they closed the door of the T.A.R.D.I.S. they were off.


It was a lovely fall day in 2024 as the Doctor and the Companion were leaning against the rail of the old Milwaukee Road trestle high above the Spokane River, watching the water run by.

“This is a busy place in the 1900’s” the Doctor said to the Companion, “the old Black Line. Trains all the time. Steam, coal, diesel. Things change. Look at it now, bicycles, strollers, joggers. Brilliant move converting the no longer used track to a trail.”

The Doctor turned around and leaned his back against the rail, took a deep breath and changing the subject said, “All we have to do is wait for him.”

“Who?” asked the Companion.

“That guy.” he responded pointing with his head.

A kid on rollerblades, a teenager really, was approaching from the right and stopped when he reached them.

“I think you are looking for this.” he said handing the Doctor an object.

“Thanks.” the Doctor said as he handed it back. He took out his note book and carefully wrote down “3”.

“Hey, check this out!” said the kid as he clicked the heels of his rollerblades together. A magnetic hum sounded and the kid lifted 6 inches up in the air. With a “how awesome is that!” smile on his face he turned around and pushed off and started gliding back from where he came, the blades never touching the asphalt.

“Ah yes,” the Doctor said, “I thought he looked familiar. He invented hoverblades. Became very wealthy. We need to get back to the T.A.R.D.I.S., I have a feeling we’re heading back to the Cache Cave Station. We have all we need to solve the puzzle.”

And now so do you. Except for the part revealed in the hint.


***For the final clue, you need to read the hint###

This cache may be very easy for some but difficult for others. We think that in the end, though, all will enjoy it. We believe that children will enjoy it, so bring them along.

Small trackables may be traded in the cache.

A very special thanks to Goblindust for this cache, and all the great geocachers who come to find it!

This cache is fun bonus for the 2018 Spokane Trains And Railroads GeoChallenge. Spokane has a strong history as a major train hub, and in many ways still is. The STAR Challenge will take geocachers on an adventure, finding caches in places significant to railroads past and present. You will visit locations featuring retired train cars, streetcar rails, bridges, graves and rail yards. Successful completion of the STAR Challenge is rewarded with a trackable Geocoin.
  • All caches begin with the series name STAR: followed by a location-specific name so they are easy to search. We also made a STAR Bookmark of the caches.
  • To qualify for a Geocoin, find the code word or stamp in each geocache and record it on your passport.
  • Visit STAR Challenge and get started today.
    to find the challenge rules, a printable STAR Passport and map view of qualifying caches.

The Spokane Trains And Railroads GeoChallenge is sponsored by Cache Advance, and by donation of time, money and skill from local cachers. We hope you enjoy!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Gur ynfg qvtvg arrqf gb or n # be n * gb haybpx gur qbbe.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)