(Often blamed for the Great Depression) + (Last President from the Founding Fathers)
(Resigned due to Watergate scandal) - (Enacted many New Deal programs)
(Ordered the atomic bombing of Japan) - (Sent to Philippines as Chief Civil Administrator)
(Served two unconsecutive terms) / (acquired Louisiana Territory from France)
(President during the "bleeding Kansas" issue) + (Indirectly caused the XYZ affair)
[(Born in Hawaii, married Michelle) / (First "dark horse")] * (Drafted the Declaration of Independence)
(He spoke softly and carried a big stick) - (Assassinated after victory over Spain)
[(He did not have sexual relations with that woman) - (Enacted first general federal Immigration law)] + (∜Emancipator of slaves)
(Asked what you can do for your country) - (Commanded Union armies during Civil War) - (President during passage of Civil Rights Act of 1866)
(Sought "peace through strength") / (Little Magician)
(Supreme Commander of Normandy invasion) - (Actively Inactive)

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