I am entering my 7th year as a Girl Scout. I created this cache as part of a 46 cache series. All 46 caches together create a piece of geoart representing the Girl Scout logo. Complete them all, and you will become a Girl Scout expert!
This puzzle is about Daisy Petals, which are earned by Daisy Girl Scouts. These Scouts are just at the beginning of their journey. Earning the petals introduces the Daisies to the various components of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. The Daisy center and ten petals are earned by participating in activities or crafts that help build understanding of the Girl Scout Promise (represented by the Daisy center) and each one of the ten parts to the Girl Scout Law. Earning these petals helps the Daisy Scouts learn new skills that they will carry with them through their lives.
This is a picture of the completed Daisy flower, to be placed on the front of the Daisy vest after each component is successfully earned:
You must use the information as seen below to determine the correct coordinates to find this cache.
The format for the solution is:
N 26 05.ABC
W 080 19.DEF
You can check your answers for this puzzle on GeoChecker.com.
For all caches in the series, bring your own pen. Some caches may require tweezers to help extract the log. As with all puzzle caches, you must solve the puzzle, find the cache, and sign the log to claim your smiley!