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No5 - RAF Edgehill Dispersal Pans 9b & 9c Traditional Cache

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Geocache Description:

Shennington's historic WW2 Airfield

Most RAF Airfields are named after the closest town or village, but as there already existed an RAF Shennington in Scotland, RAF Edgehill was so named to avoid any confusion, although it does have one other unique claim to fame. This Cache has been placed to bring you to this unique airfield where in the darkest days of WW2, Britain's jet fighter history was made.

Dispersal Pans 9b & 9c

RAF Edgehill/Shennington Gliding Club 2012

As can be seen from the above layout plan, much of RAF Edgehill has now passed into history, although a number of buildings, while dilapidated, have been adopted for commercial or storage usage. Dispersal Pans, or Aprons, are the hard standing areas where aircraft would be parked between training flights, or sorties. The plan shows that there were a couple of dozen or so such areas placed around the airfield, and it is on Dispersal Pan 9c that our Cache can be found.
Two of the three airfield runways are still extant, more or less, and are used by Shennington Gliding Club, while the third runway was excavated, and the resultant hardcore utilised in the construction of the M40 Motorway ! ! ! With gliding training and competition taking place on every suitable day, much flying activity can still be seen. Both tractor and tow launches are used, and from time to time, both powered and sailplane aerobatics can be observed.
The field in which the dispersal aprons 9b &9c are located is private property, and is used as a Camping Club "CL" campsite. This is one of Team Lankidden's favourite rural camping locations, not only for the history, and the gliding which takes place, but also because the view over the Red Horse Vale is quite simply, stunning.

 Please replace with care, unseen, as found.

Congratulations to Boggin's Dad for an excellent FTF, within a mere five hours of the Cache being published!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Senkvahf rkpryfvbe - onfr bs

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)