Beware of Low Flying Aircrafts! Traditional Cache
Beware of Low Flying Aircrafts!
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You are looking for a cache attached to a jet across the street from the famous Maho Beach. Beware of low flying aircrafts and jet blasts while searching! As this location occasionally gets muggled, there is a main cache and a backup both at the location.
Maho Beach is located right at the end of Runway 10 of Sint Maarten's airport. Tourists gather here to watch planes as large as 747s fly only a couple of hundred feet above their heads right before touching down at the Princess Juliana International Airport. Some of these observers, possible after a few drinks, will see if they can withstand the jet blast from aircrafts taking off. As the signs warn, this "can cause severe physical harm resulting in extreme bodily harm and/or death!"

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Onpx pbeare bs srapr