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Agrizoophobia - Fear of Wild Animals Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/22/2015
2.5 out of 5
5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

( Agri zoo pho bee ah)
Fear of Wild Animals

Conquer your phobias before they conquer you !!

The origin of "Agrizoophobia" is from Greek/Latin - Agri (wild) - Zoo (animal) - phobia (fear).

Agrizoophobiacs experience increased anxiety as they travel near or into isolated areas where wild animals live and may deliberately avoid remote wooded areas!
They may constrict their social lives in such a way that they do not allow themselves to engage in any activities involving wild animals, zoo animals or animals in general.

One way to overcome a phobia is to gradually and repeatedly expose the subject to what is feared.
With enough repeated exposures, the person will feel an ever increasing sense of control.
After multiple exposures, the anxiety and therefore the phobia will diminish.

You may see many forms of wildlife in this area keep calm and concentrate on finding the cache!

This cache is placed on a forested island in the Flathead River flood zone.
Permission has been granted for my cache placements on this island and on the island directly to the north.
The gracious property owner has asked that we practice our CITO duties (trash collection).
Please bring a trash bag and collect any litter that you may find.

The islands can be accessed from the parking area at the east end of East Reserve Drive.

At certain times of the year, access to this cache may require a raft, kayak or canoe.
This is why the terrain rating is a 5.

At other times, when the river is low, you can actually walk right out to the island!
For this the terrain rating would be a 2.5.
PLEASE BE SAFE and use good judgement.
Do not attempt wading if the water level is very high.

Cache should be accessible with up to 5 feet of snow.
This should be a fairly easy cache for those who aren't "Agrizoophobiacs" !

First to find prize is inside the cache container along with the log.

Have fun!
And conquer your fobias !!

     Congratulations to    FamilyFun_4Ever    for the First to Find    

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

1. Pnzb 2k2 obggyr 2. Rlr yriry 3. Ebpxl Zbhagnva Whavcre

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)