This cache is a part of Smiley Geo-art witch is composed of 24 caches, four different types of geocaches and it is placed as a thank you to all owners who contributed with their caches to get my 1.000 find, it was an amazing journey with a 1.000 interesting locations. This is not a power trail but it is the biggest smile in City of Zagreb, some of caches are walk in a park and some of them are... well, you will see. I hope you have fun in your search and successfully get the biggest smile in Zagreb on your geocaching map.
The cache is NOT at the posted coordinates.
Ovaj kratki multi vas dovodi na početak Stepinčevog puta u Vrapću. Stepinčev put dio je marijanskih hodočasničkih putova Marije Bistrice. Njime se želi odati posebno priznanje bistričkom hodočasniku kardinalu Alojziju Stepincu koji je zbog svoje privrženosti Majci Božjoj Bistričkoj proglašen blaženim u Mariji Bistrici. Poveznica je to mjesta i gradova na životnom i duhovnom putu blaženika. Stepinčev put kreće od njegovoga rodnog Krašića preko Zagreba, Marije Bistrice sve do Lepoglave, otvarajući tako mogućnost nastavka ovoga hodočasničkog puta prema Trsatu te dalje prema Sinju i Međugorju.
Stage 1: S lijeve strane ulaza u crkvu nalazi se ploča posvete, neka A bude troznamenkasti broj prigode zbog koje je postavljena.
Stage 2: Kraj autobusne stanice nalazi se stara pumpa za vodu, B su zadnje dvije znamenke godine kada je pumpa obnovljena.
Stage 3: C su zadnje dvije znamenke godine iznad kapelice.
Stage 4: D su prve dvije znamenke godine na vrhu brda ispod tri križa.
This short multi brings you to the beginning of Stepinac path in Vrapće. Stepinac way is part of the pilgrimage routes of Marija Bistrica. It would like to pay special recognition Bistrica pilgrim Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, who because of their attachment to the Mother of God of Bistrica beatified on Sunday. Link to the towns and cities on the life and spiritual path blaženika. Stepinčev path moving from his native Krasic via Zagreb, Marija Bistrica to Lepoglava, thus opening the possibility to continue this pilgrimage to Trsat and continue to Sinj and Medjugorje.
Stage 1: On the left at the entrance to the church is a plate, let A be a three-digit number on the occasion of which the panel is set.
Stage 2: Near the bus station there is an old pump, B are the last two numbers of the year when the pump is restored.
Stage 3: C is the last two year above the chapel.
Stage 4: D is the first two numbers of the year on the hill below the three crosses.

Cache is at:
N 45° 49. (A+B+167+C+D)
E 015° 54. (A+B+130+C+D)
Hall of fame!