PAŽNJA - ATTENTION Pri upisu loga na internetu molimo da upišete jednu od legendi o Chuck Norrisu. When registering for log on the Internet, please enter the one of the legends of Chuck Norris.
Norris je rođen u gradu Ryanu u američkoj saveznoj državi Oklahomi. Imao je teško djetinjstvo, te se1958. pridružuje Ratnom zrakoplovstvu SAD-a, te je poslan na bazu u Južnoj Koreji. Tamo je dobio nadimak "Chuck" te je počeo trenirati Tang Soo Do, u kojem je zaradio crni pojas. Potom se vraća u SAD, a 1962. je otpušten od službe. Ubrzo otvara lanac karate škola.Krajem 2005., Norris je postao objekt internetskog fenomena poznatog kao "Činjenice o Chucku Norrisu" (eng.: "Chuck
Carlos Ray"Chuck"Norris (born March 10, 1940) is an Americanmartial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter. After serving in the United States Air Force, he began his rise to fame as a martial artist, and has since founded his own school,Chun Kuk Do.
Main article: Chuck Norris factsIn late 2005, Norris became the object of an ironic internet meme known as "Chuck Norris Facts", which document fictional, often absurdly heroic feats and characteristics about Norris. Norris has written his own response to the parody on his website, stating that he does not feel offended by them and finds some of them funny,[53] claiming that his personal favorite is that they wanted to add his face to Mount Rushmore, but the granite is not hard enough for his beard.[54]
Norris facts"). To su niz šala o njegovoj "herojskoj" snazi i odlikama, ili pak o jačini njegovog kružnog udarca (primjeri šala: "Chuck Norris igra ruski rulet sa punim pištoljem i uvijek pobjeđuje.", "Gdje je rođen Chuck Norris? U kući koju je sam izgradio.") Norris je izjavio da se ne osjeća uvrijeđen tim šalama, te da i neke smatra smiješnima.