SLO:Triglavski narodni park je edini narodni park v Sloveniji. Ime je dobil po Triglavu, ki se v osrčju parka dviguje najvišje (2864 m) in je hkrati tudi najvišji slovenski vrh. Ime Triglav ni povsem pojasnjeno. Nastalo je bodisi zaradi značilne podobe gore z jugovzhodne strani bodisi kot spomin na najvišje božanstvo iz časa poganstva, ki je imelo sedež na njegovem vrhu. Velja za simbol slovenstva, ki je tudi na slovenskem grbu in zastavi.
V Triglavski roži boste lahko pridobili vsakršno informacijo, na ogled je povsem nova razstava Gorenjske, območij Natura 2000 in Triglavskega narodnega parka z bogato multimedijsko predstavitvijo.
Zaklad lahko najdete:
-od 15. aprila do 15. oktobra: vsak dan od 8. do 18. ure
-od 16. oktober do 14. aprila: vsak dan od 8. do 16. ure
Do 28.1.2020 za Geocashe vprašaj na Info pultu.
ENG:The Triglav National Park (TNP) is the only Slovenian national park. The park was named after Triglav, the highest mountain in the heart of the park, which is also the highest summit in Slovenia (2864 m). The origin of the name Triglav is rather uncertain. Triglav (»three-headed«) owes its name to its characteristic shape as seen from the south-east side or to the highest Slavic deity who was supposed to have its throne on the top of the mountain. The mountain is a true national symbol and is featured on the national coat of arms and the flag.
This fully renovated, modern, and multi-purpose visitor facility provides visitors with relevant and useful information and invite them to see its brand new exhibition about the region of Gorenjska, Natura 2000 sites and the Triglav National Park, featuring a rich multimedia presentation.
The cache is available:
- from 16th of April till 15th of October: every day 8.00 – 18.00
- from 16th of October till 15th of April: every day 8:00 – 16:00
Till 28th of January 2020 for the Geocashe ask at the Info desk.