Please Note!!! Per geocaching guidelines a log must be signed BEFORE you can post your 'Found It' online, I will be checking my logs periodically and if YOU haven't signed it I will delete YOUR 'Found It' post online, no ifs, ands or buts about it...
This cache is a bison tube hanging out along Kipling Road at a spot that will give you a great picture of Naulakha, the home built for Rudyard Kipling in Dummerston, Vermont, it is one of the finer examples of the Shingle style in the state....
Located on eleven acres off a town road, at the edge of a meadow with a hillside behind, the estate is ideally situated in its naturalistic setting, with its view of mountains and valleys which spread before it to the east...
Kipling often referred to the view of the Wantastiquet mountain range and Mount Monadnock peaking through the clouds and rising "like a giant thumb-nail pointing heavenward", to Kipling, Naulakha came to symbolize all the positive qualities of rural Vermont, with its peacefulness and solitude, which have attracted writers and artists to the state for years.
For more information please click on the link I have included above...
Congratulations Bren1467 on the early morning FTF!!!