This cache is located on Tygart Lake State Park.
The area you will find was cleared for two reasons:
Primary: Nature viewing area. (It is common to witness deer, raccoon, squirrel and more. Numerous types of birds enjoy this open forest clearing and several Woodpecker species can be seen and heard pounding away, looking for insects, on the few dead stands we have left for the wildlife). There are several species of trees and wildflowers. (Please remember: State law prohibits picking flowers / shrubs on state parks.)
Secondary:To allow another view of the lake for passing mororists.
Parking is available just inside the picnic area access road. Turn left into picnic area, then park immediately on the right (aprox. 15 yards off the main road).
Please use care when retrieving & replacing this cache, so it may be enjoyed by many for years to come.
If you are unable to find this cache, please mark it as did not find & in your comments ask for a hint. I will be happy to help. 
Congrats to the Ptoman5 family for being the first to find