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Hidden : 8/9/2014
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Geocache Description:

Frå utkantbygd til knutepunkt.

From rural village to the hub.

The discovery route from Stavanger to Bergen

English below

Før 1880 var Nesflaten lite anna enn nokre gardar på elveslettene som vart danna av Bratlandselva og Stålsåno. Då starta turisteventyret der Nesflaten vart eit knutepunkt på den såkalla "Discovery route".

Ikkje mindre enn tre hotell var i drift kring hundreårsskiftet 1800/1900 og fram til første verdskrigen, då turistferdsla avtok.

Nesflaten vart ein avkrok from til Røldal-Suldal-utbygginga på 1960-talet, då bygda fekk eit voldsomt oppsving med gode arbeidsmuligheter og mange tilflyttarar. I dag vert kraftanlegget og bustadområdet i Kilen rekna for eit viktig kulturminne.

Nesflaten fekk ikkje vegsamband med Suldal elles før i 1979, i samband med Ulla-Førra-utbygginga. Frå 1885 og fram til dess var det "Dampen", D/S Suldal og seinare ferja M/F Suldalsporten, som førte bygdefolk, turistar og gods over vatnet.

Les meir om Nesflaten og turismen der på informasjonstavla du finn nær geocachen.


Prior to 1880 Nesflaten was just a few farms on the flood plains that were formed by the Bratland river and Stålsåno. Then started the adventure tourism where Nesflaten became a hub of the so-called "Discovery route".

Nesflaten was the hub in the "Descovery Route" at the start of the 20th century. Three hotels were built and the last one was lost in fire in 1970. The tourists traffic came to a halt after the 1st World War.

Not until the 1960s did Nesflaten again experience a burst in activity, as the Røldal-Suldal hydroelectric power plants were built, with Nesflaten as the center of activity.

The contact southwards was maintained with the steamship D/S Suldal (a diesel engine was later installed) and later on a car ferrey named M/F Suldalsporten. You might still see D/S Suldal some times during the summer, but M/F Suldalsporten was sunk to the bottom of the lake when the road between Nesflaten and Suldalsosen was opened in 1979

Modern photo of the Discovery Route (C) Discovery route

The Discovery Route from Stavanger to Bergen

Source: Sign at site

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