TLSP #2: Welcome to the Park Traditional Cache
TLSP #2: Welcome to the Park
Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions
in our disclaimer.
Cachers will need to use their geosmarts and a good sense of direction to find this one.
This can be a very high Muggle area, stealth required.
Because this can HIGH TRAFFIC AREA, we do not suggest allowing children to search for this without adult supervision. Weekends and mid-day are busiest. Early mornings have least traffic.
Tygart Lake State Park is a cozy, quiet getaway for couples and families. It sits among West Virginia's rolling hills and alongside 10-mile long, 1,750-acre Tygart Lake.
The park arose from lands acquired by the US Army Corp. of Engineers to build the Tygart Dam and resulting lake. Over the years, the park has grown to offer lodging, dining, swimming, boating, camping, hiking and starting in 2014 a series of Geocaches.
The cache container is thin & rectangular and will fit easily in the palm of an adult hand.
Too small for a pen. Please bring your own and enjoy the hunt.
We hope you enjoy this challeging cache and have time to attempt our others.
NOTE: Propery regulations prohibit searching for this cache between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Security personnel patrol this area 24 hours / day.
Congraftulations! FTF goes to Songbird11788
Additional Hints
QBA'G penpx HC.