Stanton is a fairly large village on the A143 between Bury St.Edmunds and Diss.
This is a series of 22 caches around 4.5 mile circular loop approx with The Lost Pack that can be picked up on route. The caches vary in size and may require tweezers to retrieve the log also BYOP.
Also whilst in the village you could pick up The Lost Treasure Of Stanton , Church Micro 996 Stanton and Geosnax - Hello?
On placement there were places that were very muddy between numbers 5 and 6, also numbers 13 and 14. The footpath between numbers 14 and 17 gets steep and uneven in places and there are also some large steps that aren't wheelchair or pushchair accessible so not recommended.
The route is fairly well sign posted, the only places which may cause problems are after finding number 14 follow the path around the outside of the field then take the higher footpath on the left by the broken sign. Also after number 19 there is a 100yard unpaved section so keep an eye on mini cachers or geohounds.
Here you are looking for a small container.