(ENG) Charles Leroux (born as Joseph Johnson; 31 October 1856 in Waterbury, Connecticut, United States) was an American balloonist and parachutist. He came to Europe in 1889 in order to demonstrate his skill in flying balloons and parachuting from them. He is known to have performed exhibition jumps in Germany (Berlin and Bremen) and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). He was to conclude his European tour in Tallinn. He died on his 239th jump after water landing in the Tallinn Bay in Tallinn (then Reval), Estonia.
The balloon was inflated with lighting gas supplied by the local gas factory and it took off at 5 PM from a small elevation, a former bastion called Harjumägi in the center of the town. Winds overpowered the balloon at once and quickly drove it towards the Tallinn Bay. Above the last houses of the town the balloonist dropped himself down from the suspended seat and began to descend under a properly inflated canopy. The winds, however, rocked the parachute violently and carried it farther out to sea. About a mile and quarter away from the coast the heavily oscillating parachute dropped into the sea. Leroux made no attempt to unharness himself from the parachute and almost immediately disappeared under water. Some observers thought that they saw him once or twice to rise to the surface. No safety precautions had been taken, and the life-boats that reached the place of disaster ten minutes later found no trace of the balloonist. Two days passed before Leroux's body was recovered by local people. A medical commission came to conclusion that he had drowned.
Charles Leroux was an inventor at heart who did much to improve his balloon and parachute. The performance in Tallinn not only aroused general interest in aviation in Estonia, it also became a kind of milestone for several young men whose dreams and ambitions already moved in the same direction. Estonian sports aviators highly appreciate Leroux for his charismatic role in aeronautics and regard the perpetuation of his memory as a matter of honor.
He was died 24 September 1889 and buried at the Kopli cemetery in Tallinn.
Due the muggles at this place are 24/7 and all year around cache has a micro size. Hiding place you can find from picture. The cache logbook is also micro sized and tweezers is very useful. By the same reason difficulty level is 2.0. Please place back the cache using safety methood (under the bench seat), so that muggles can't destroy or remove it.
(EST) Charles Leroux ehk Joseph Johnson (sündis 19. novembril 1856 Waterburys Connecticuti osariigis USA-s) oli Ameerika aeronaut, kes tutvustas õhusõitu ja langevarjuhüppeid.
1889. aastal saabus ta Lääne-Euroopasse ja Venemaale, et oma õhusõiduoskusi tutvustada. Tallinn pidi olema tema tuuri viimane esinemispaik, enne seda oli ta esinenud turneel Saksamaal. Leroux’ tegi oma viimse, 239. hüppe septembris 1889.
Harjumäel täideti õhupall gaasiga ning kella viie paiku tõusis see õhku. Tuul kandis palli kiiresti Tallinna lahe kohale. Kui Leroux pallilt alla hüppas, kandis tuul langevarju kaugemale mere poole. Maarjamäe ja Kadrioru vahelisel alal, kilomeetri kaugusel rannast kukkus langevarjur merre. Erinevalt tavapärasest teguviisist ta end langevarjust ei vabastanud. Päästepaadid jõudsid kohale 10 minutit hiljem ega leidnud enam kedagi. Kohalikud leidsid aeronaudi surnukeha kaks päeva hiljem, surm oli saabunud uppumise tagajärjel.
Charles Leroux’I hukkus 24 septembril 1889 aastal, 32 aastat vanuses ja maeti Tallinnas Telliskopli kalmistus.
Mugude oht sel kohal on alati väga suur, seetõttu aare on mikro suurusega ja oma pliats/pastakas peab olema kaasas. Peidukoht leiad pildist. Kui logiraamat ka mikro suurusega, siis pintsett on kasulik, seetõttu raskusaste pantud ka 2.0. Palun pange aare tagasi saama moodi, mis oli ennem, istme alla (mitte jalale), sest tänavapuhastus jm selline ei või aardele saatuslikuks saada.