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A lil Bird told me! Mystery Cache

Hidden : 11/20/2014
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Geocache Description:

This cache has taken me awhile to put together! A lot of time has past since I first found a great spot for a final. After solving the below puzzle, you will have coords for stage 1. I hope you enjoy both the "at home" puzzle and the final location! WEAR BLAZE ORANGE DURING HUNTING SEASON!!


On September 5, 1934, a mutual friend, Eugenia "Gene" Boehringer, introduced Lyndon Baines Johnson to Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor when both were visiting Boehringer's office in Austin.



Before they parted, Lyndon had arranged to meet Lady Bird the next morning for breakfast at the Driskill Hotel.


Young Lyndon Johnson was a congressional secretary working for Congressman Richard Kleberg of Corpus Christi; Lady Bird had finished a degree in journalism at the University of Texas in Austin the previous spring and had returned to her family home in Karnack, Texas.



Lyndon and Lady Bird met for breakfast, spent the day together, and he purportedly proposed before the day was over.



In the next few days, Lyndon introduced Lady Bird to his parents; she met his boss, Congressman Kleberg; and they drove to Karnack where Lady Bird introduced Lyndon to her father.



Johnson then returned to his job in Washington, D.C.



During the next 10 weeks, the two wrote approximately ninety courtship letters to each other before he returned to Texas, and they "committed matrimony," as Lady Bird described it, in San Antonio on November 17, 1934.



These letters, arranged chronologically in the 1934 Courtship Letters are also fully searchable and all have transcripts prepared by staff at the LBJ Presidential Library. Take some time to visit the link and enjoy them.




The Courtship Letters are part of a larger collection of correspondence between Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson that spans 1934 through 1968.  These are the earliest letters in the collection. Between September 5, 1934, when they first met through a mutual friend, and November 17, 1934, when they married, Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor and Lyndon Johnson exchanged nearly 90 letters.



In his courtship letters to Lady Bird, Lyndon Johnson describes his job as a congressional secretary in Washington D.C., the time he spends with his friends, and of course, his ardent love for Lady Bird and his desire for them to be married as soon as possible.  She describes her life in Karnack, Texas; her love of nature; her friends; redecorating and landscaping her family home in Karnack; her weekend in Dallas where she attended the Texas-Oklahoma football game; and her trip to Atlanta to visit her Aunt Effie.  She too proclaims her love but is cautious about a short courtship and marriage.



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N41 53._ _ _ W73.13._ _ _



Additional Hints (Decrypt)

fgntr 1: ovepu/ebpx

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)