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PsVS_01 - ŠTMAVER Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/27/2014
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

S L O :   Po stopinjah Valentina STANIČA

Spominski pohod v čast Valentinu Staniču, duhovniku, prosvetitelju, humanistu in predhodniku alpinizma v Evropi, vodi s Srebrničevega trga v Solkanu (103 m.n.m.) blizu Gorice, središča nekdanje Goriške dežele, po grebenu Sabotina (609 m.n.m.) do Vrhovelj (420 m.n.m.) v Brdih in čez Korado (812 m.n.m.) po Kanalskem Kolovratu v Kanal ob Soči.

Pohod tako povezuje Gorico (I), kjer je Stanič deloval osemindvajset let, s Kanalom, ki je nedaleč od Bodreža, njegove rojstne vasi, pa tudi bližnjih Banjšic in Ročinja, kjer je služboval pred premestitvijo v Gorico.

Zmerne hoje brez postankov je 8 ur za celotno pot. Celotna pot je označena s planinskimi markacijami.

Prinesite svoje pisalo! Če pisala nimate, zadostuje tudi foto-log z imenom zakladka na logbooku. Nikakor pa kot dokaz vašega obiska v zakladek ne odlagajte raznih kamenčkov, vejic, listkov, ipd.!

Serijo sestavlja 15 posameznih zakladkov ob poti + končni–bonus.

!!!  Za PsVS-BONUS - ValentinSTANIČ:  poglej pod pokrovček vsakega in si zabeleži (ABCDEFGH) !!!


E N G :   Following the steps of Valentin STANIČ

The traditional memorial hike , a tribute to  the  priest, educator, humanist and predecessor of alpinism Valentin Stanič, starts in Jože Srebrnič Square in Solkan  (103 m.a.s.l.) near Gorizia, the center of the former Province of Gorizia. The hike then follows the ridge of the mount Sabotin (609 m.a.s.l.) to Vrhovlje (420 m.a.s.l.) in Goriška Brda, crosses Korada (812 m.a.s.l.) and Kanalski Kolovrat till it reaches Kanal ob Soči.

Thus, the trail of the hike connects Gorizia (I), where Stanič worked for 28 years, and Kanal which is situated not far from Stanič's native village Bodrež, and the villages of Banjšice and Ročinj where he used to work before being transferred to Gorizia.

 It takes 8 hours of moderate walking for the entire. The entire trail is marked with blazes.

Bring your own pen! If you don't have a pen, you can also do a photo-log of cache's name in loogbok. Do not leave any objects in the cache as a proof of your visit!

Series consists of 15 individual caches along the way, plus the final - a bonus.

!!!  For PsVS-BONUS - ValentinSTANIČ: look under the cap (ABCDEFGH)  !!!


Ostali zakladki ob poti  /  Other Caches along the trail:

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

bivwn zr bo obe/ gvccrq gur cvar (u ~ 1,25 z)

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)