This site was discovered on an exploration of our local area. BSC students participate in mountain bike rides all over town, and this particular road was one that many haven't been down before.

At GZ you will find the above structure on the nature strip. Water Tower with a storage room? We were scratching our heads trying to figure out its original use.
Hopefully you will be scratching your head looking for the bison we have hidden here. :-)
good luck, and please replace as found. :-)
Gur ergevriny bs gur pnpur vf fvzcyr, ohg fbzr znl fgvyy svaq vg uneq gb trg gb. N lrne 7 jbhyq arrq uryc, ohg n ybg bs lrne 12f pbhyq trg ng vg. Fnlvat gung, znal bs gur OFP fgnss jbhyq unir gebhoyr nf jryy! Whfg svaq n penpx... fbzrjurer ba gur fvqr gur cvpgher jnf gnxra.