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Romanje/Pilgrimage Event Cache

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Hidden : Saturday, January 18, 2014
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Geocache Description:

Svete Višarje so neprimerljiv biser lepote narave: od tu kraljuje sijajen razgled na mogočne gorske stene in vrhove. Niso pa Svete Višarje zanimive le z naravoslovnega vidika, ampak so enkratno stičišče treh velikih družin narodov: Romanov, Slovanov in Germanov. Že v 16. stoletju je bila gora cilj romanj treh narodov, danes pa so Svete Višarje nedvomno Božja Pot Evrope.

Staro izročilo poroča, da je nek pastir leta 1360 na Višarskem hribu izgubil svoje ovce. Kmalu nato jih je našel, ko so klečale okrog šopa ruševja. Pretresen se je približal in v grmu zagledal leseni kipec Matere Božje z Detetom Jezusom. Nesel ga je v dolino v Žabnice in ga izročil župniku. Toda naslednji dan je bil kipec čudežno spet na Višarjah in spet so ga obdajale klečeče ovce. Dogodek se je ponovil še tretjič. Tedaj je župnik obvestil oglejskega patriarha in ta je naročil, naj na kraju, kjer so našli kipec, zgradijo kapelo.

Prvotna kapela ne stoji več: od druge kapele iz 16. stoletja se je ohranil današnji prezbiterij. Po vseh pretresih, ki jih je svetišče preživele skozi stoletja (o tem lahko več preberete na Višarje), je leta 1960 to obhajalo 600-letnico. Ob tej priliki so cerkev obnovili in tudi na hišah okrog nje so stekla številna obnovitvena dela. K največjim obnovitvenim delom pa štejemo obnovitvene projekte v pripravi na jubilejno leto 2000. Ob tej priliki so na Višarjah izvedli številna vzdrževalna dela na svetišču in popolnoma obnovili župnišče. Višarska Mati Božja je bila in ostaja za Slovence poleg Brezij eno največjih in najbolj obiskanih Marijinih božjih poti.

Poslikave v notranjosti cerkve je napravil slovenski slikar Tone Kralj. Med drugim predstavljajo Marijo Tolažnico žalostnih, Oznanjenje, Beg v Egipt, Dvanajstletnega Jezusa v templju, Marijo v molitvi pod križem in Kronanje Vnebovzete.

Kako boste prišli do Višarij je vaša stvar. Lahko z žičnico. Toda veliko bolje, če boste poromali k samemu sebi ali nekim višjim silam peš, po stari romarski poti. Dobimo se pod nadstreškom cerkve na Višarjah ob 12. uri. Ob tem upoštevajte, da gre za zimske razmere in je zato pot dosti bolj zahtevna, ustrezna oprema pa nujna. Parkirišč je zadosti pri žičnici ali nekoliko višje ob cesti, koordinate začetka romarske poti so podane spodaj. Pot vzame povprečno dve uri in pol hoje (Opis poti).

Prosim, da obvezno logirate napoved vašega prihoda. V primeru res slabih razmer bo namreč dogodek prestavljen, obvestilo pa bo le tako pravočasno prispelo na vaš elektronski naslov.   


The Lussari mount is a jewel of incomparable beauty, here you can see the wonderful natural scene of majestic and high tops. This place is not only an important naturalistic site, but also a Sanctuary, the Sanctuary that joins the Slavic, Italian and German ethnic stocks. In the 16th. Century the mount was already destination of pilgrimages of the three people; today it can undoubtedly come considered as an european Sanctuary.

According to an ancient tradition, in 1360 a shepherdesses of Camporosso lost his sheps, that he found shortly after around a bush of pine. With great wonder he noticed that in the center of the bush there was a little statue of Madonna with the Baby.He taken the statue and bring it downstream and carried it to the Parish priest of Camporosso. The following morning but the statue came found newly on the Lussari, newly surrounded from the sheep knelt down. Such episode was repeated another time. The Parish priest therefore informed about the fact the Patriarch of Aquileia; he ordered that on the place in which was found the statue it came constructed a chapel.

Today the original chapel there is no more; It came instead replaced in 1500 by the actual chorus; made all in stone, as the vault. After all the shocks suffered during various centuries (more at The Lussari mount) in 1960 was celebrated the sixth anniversary of the Sanctuary. In that occasion the church was restaured and started a lot of jobs to rennovate the houses of the Sanctuary. The most important restoration coincides with the Jubilee of 2000. Were esecuted a lot of maintenance works of the Sanctuary and the presbitery was completely renew. The Lussari has been always the place of pilgrimage for excellence for the slovenian population.

The inside of the church hold valuables paintings, those was painted by the Slovenian painter Tone Kralj. There is “The representation of the Comforting Madonna of the plagued”, “The Annunciation”, “The Escape in Egypt”,”Jesus twelve-year-old in the Temple”,”Maria who pray under the Cross” and the “Coronation” of the Virgin”.

It's your business how you make it to the Lussari mount. Cable-car is one of the possibilites. But it would be much better if you make a pilgrimage towards yourself or some higher forces on foot, taking the old pilgrimage route. We'll meet at the porch of the church at the Lussari mount at noon. Be careful, winter conditions make the path a lot more demanding and appropriate equipment is a must. There is plenty of parking by the cable-car or a bit further up, while the coordinates of the beginning of the pilgrimage route are given below. The ascent takes approximately 2,5 hours walking (Description of the path).

Please log your intention to attend the event in advance. This is obligatory for you to receive the no-event message soon enough in case it is postponed to a later date due to severe weather conditions.  

Additional Hints (No hints available.)