She Wore a Yellow Ribbon-NOT Traditional Cache
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She Wore a Yellow Ribbon-NOT
A cache by [DELETED_USER]
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This is not a dash and grab. There is a reason its rating is 4.5!! Do not pull over on highway. Go to Forestry road entrance as seen in picture below at N50.16.248 W115.53.250 and walk from there or drive up access road. Also note other caches up this road.
Part of a series that refers to one of my favorite Western movies starring John Wayne.
A yellow ribbon strung along the fence near the highway can be seen intermittently south of here and used to be from this location to the south for approximately 50K to the Premier Lake cutoff. Other caches can be found along this route. The Yellow Ribbon was recently removed during the replacement of the fence.
An observer indicated that it was placed 25 years ago re Rick Hansen's tour. No data has been found to support this.
While in the area visit the view point that has washrooms and a nearby nano cache along with a very interesting Earthcache plus there are another 6 caches close by.
Cache location and Fairmont Mountain in background
Bring a pencil
Additional Hints
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