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The Treasure of the Copper Scrolls 2 Mystery Cache

Hidden : 11/7/2013
5 out of 5
5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

This cache will take some time to do but but would be a fun day's outing. Bring the family and do some other stuff in between as the cache will take you to some of PE's tourist hotspots. Let me know if the terrain/difficulty rating is too high but this could also depend on when you go looking for it!

Cache is not at listed coords!

This cache can be done on its own although it will make more sense and will be more fun after having done the first Copper Scrolls: The treasure of the copper scrolls. The adventure continues:

Having found only a small piece of the treasure of the Copper Scrolls you felt that there must have been more. You suspect that some modern day pirates must have taken some of the loot and that it is probably wise to assume that they have now hidden the location of it by using some more technologically advanced methods.

You head back to the Hotel when you get an e-mail notification. You open your laptop and notice that your mobile data was running low so you decide to use the Hotel’s Wifi. You open your e-mail and notice a new e-mail from an unknown sender and you open it.


Not White text but if you dig deeper that will help.

Try hidden text or comments


The message contains only an image and from past experience you know that sometimes there are message hidden in pictures. This is called Steganography and you have used it yourself before. The only problem is that there is so many different methods and you have to find out which one was used in order to decode it successfully.

Not being given any information you try and look for clues on how this was done. You check the properties of the image and also try and select the image by highlighting the contents of the e-mail when you notice a message appear that helps you identify where you must be looking.

Ah, finally you figure out the method and get access to some very strange documents. Now you know that it was one of your trusted friends from the CIA who have located another hint towards where there could be more treasure buried. You type in the coordinates into your GPS and head of the the location bringing with you the equipment mentioned in one of the hidden documents he had e-mailed you.

You park your car at a nearby parking lot and make your way to Ground zero. You bring some people with to enjoy the location with you and also to make it a bit inconspicuous. You also now have someone to look after your gear. You quickly equip yourself with the items required and investigate the area for more clues to get the treasure. This is an awesome spot so you spend some time here even after finding what you needed. After some time you head back to the vehicle to work out the new coordinates from the clues. You might want to use some of the other equipment you brought along here before you get in the car.

With the new coordinates in place on your GPS you head off and when you arrive at ground zero you notice that there is two items that match the description on one of the documents retrieved. Which one you think, but then you remember that you have a mobile one in your inventory. You look for a signal and it comes through relatively strongly. You get the message that clearly tells you which one you are looking for. Using the information supplied you work out the coordinates of where to go next. Hopefully this is where you will find some more treasure.






Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Lbh jvyy arrq nyy gur rdhvczrag yvfgrq, gung'f vs lbh trg gur yvfg....Ab purngvat cyrnfr, lbh bayl purng lbhefrys!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)