SFGT: Arrow Rock Ferry Landing Traditional Cache
SFGT: Arrow Rock Ferry Landing
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This cache is part of the larger Santa Fe Trail GeoTour: santafetrail.org/geocaching
On a gravel, all-season road. Road can be pretty rough at times. A very short walk to the cache. Off-road parking available in the area.
Be sure to visit www.santafetrail.org/geocaching to learn about the PASSPORT ACTIVITY to accompany this Geo Tour. This container on the Santa Fe National Historic Trail Geo Tour is a military ammunition canister with an identifying Santa Fe Trail Association yellow sticker on the top of the box, under the handle and the dark green geocaching.com ID on the side of the box with the information that provides coordinates, who set the cache and who to contact for information. Each cache contains a logbook to sign, a variety of items that provide information about the Santa Fe Trail as well as swag items. If you are participating in the Passport activity, the code word is located on the inside of the box, on the top of the lid and is clearly identified as Code Word. We ask that all cachers please respect all property at the sites where our caches are set.
The Arrow Rock Ferry Landing property is located just north of the village limits of Arrow Rock, in Saline County, MO. This site marks the western end of the Arrow Rock ferry. Westward migrants crossed the Missouri River at this spot beginning about 1816. It became associated with the Santa Fe Trail when William Becknell’s party crossed this area on his inaugural trip to Santa Fe in 1821. Santa Fe Trail travelers continued using this ferry until 1828 and locals continued to use it for many years thereafter. A cabin housing the ferry master formerly existed here, and the former trail ascended the hill (along a present-day road trace), after which it continued west across the prairie. The privately-owned property sits atop a limestone bluff which historically overlooked a wide valley of the Missouri River. However, today there is no view because of this area now being heavily covered by trees. In addition, the Missouri River has moved almost a mile away from this site in the nearly 200 years since it was used as a ferry landing. Today, the area that was once a river is now part of the Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge at Arrow Rock, MO. Modern historical artifacts and interpretive markers provided in the area are associated with the nearby national wildlife refuge.
Permission was granted by the private Landowner of the property to set this cache.
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