Take a wee dander to the end of the carpark and, if you happen to like old trains, in fact, even if you don't, Downpatrick Railway Museum and preserved line is well worth a visit!!
Go into the immaculately restored ticket office, buy yourself a ticket, and have a run out to Inch Abbey Halt
(If you can't wait, here's a "Virtual Tour" of the Ticket Office.
Have a cup of tea in the converted carriage and enjoy the scenery before the return journey.
The Platform.
Downpatrick signal box with the Abbey in the background.
The Cache is a very boring Micro with just a log, it's only purpose is to encourage a visit to the Railway!!
I'm putting the terrain at 1.5 because, although GZ is wheelchair friendly, retrieving the container may prove difficult.
The utmost stealth will be required during busy periods!!