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Trim steza Mostec - multicache
Od srede oktobra 2012 je prebivalcem Ljubljane v Mostecu ob večni poti na voljo nova, osvetljena, 520m dolga trim steza, ki ima 15 različnih postaj, na katerih so postavljene trim naprave z informativnimi tablami z opisom vaj, ki se izvajajo na posamezni točki.
Ker je za geolov velikokrat potrebne tudi nekaj spretnosti in psihofizične kondicije, bomo naredili nekaj vaj za krepitev mišic in urjenje ravnotežja.
Smo za? No, pa gremo...
Trim postaja E1 - Poskok v razkoraku
Preskoči vse postavljene ovire. Kolikokrat si skočil? Odgovor je število A.
Trim postaja E2 - Plezanje po vrvi
Splezaj kar se da visoko na vseh vadbenih točkah. Na koliko točkah si plezal(a)? Odgovor je število B.
Trim postaja E5 - Naprava za urjenje ravnotežja
Oglej si navodila na info tabli, ter izvedi vajo na enak način kot je prikazano. Ker v prikazanem položaju ne moreš pisati, tukaj ne dobiš številke.
Trim postaja E4 - Naprava za krepitev trebušnih mišic
Namesti se v položaj za dviganje zgornjega dela telesa. Koliko delov naprave se dotikaš s svojim telesom? Odgovor je število C. C je parno število.
Trim postaja E3 - Poskok iz počepa na drog
Skoči štirikrat na vseh vadbenih točkah. Kolikokrat si skočil(a)? Odgovor je število D.
Trim postaja E6 - Naprava za dvigovanje trupa
Bi rad(a) imel(a) bolj močne roke? Skoči gor in hitro naredi nekaj dvigov. Ta vaja je zgolj za zabavo, tukaj ne dobiš številke.
Trim postaja E7 - Naprava za preskakovanje na različnih višinah
Dvakrat preskoči vse postavljene ovire. Kolikokrat si skočil(a)? Odgovor je število E.
Trim postaja E8 - Naprava za krepitev rok in prsnega koša
Koliko ljudi lahko hkrati izvaja vaje na tej napravi? Odgovor je število F.
Trim postaja E9 - Trim naprava za plezanje
Prični vajo tako, da z obema rokama držiš prvi par ročajev, in zaključi tako, da z obema rokama držiš zadnji par ročajev. Koliko “korakov” z rokami si naredil med vajo? Odgovor je število G. G je parno število.
Trim postaja E10 - Naprava za bočno preskakovanje na različnih višinah
Trikrat preskoči vse postavljene ovire. Kolikokrat si skočil(a)? Odgovor je število H.
Trim postaja E11 - Gimnastični krogi
Dobro si oglej navodila na info tabli ter izvedi vajo na način, kot je narisano. Katero število izrišeš z boki med izvajanjem vaje? Odgovor je število I.
Trim postaja E12 - Dvigovanje okroglic
Oglej si navodila na info tabli in dvigni nekaj okroglic. Ker imaš med izvajanjem vaje obe roki zasedeni, tukaj ne dobiš številke.
Trim postaja E14 - Naprava za urjenje ravnotežja - Bradlja
Oglej si navodila na info tabli, ter izvedi vajo na način kot je prikazano. Ta vaja je zgolj za zabavo, tukaj ne dobiš številke.
Trim postaja E13 - Naprava za urjenje ravnotežja in preskakovanje
Desetkrat preskoči vse postavljene ovire. Kolikokrat si skočil(a)? Odgovor je število J.
Trim postaja E15 - Plezanje po lestvi
Vajo prični tako, da z obema rokama držiš prvo prečko na začetku naprave. ter zaključi tako, da z obema rokama držiš zadnjo prečko na drugi strani naprave. Koliko “korakov” z rokami si naredil med vajo? Odgovor je število K. K je parno število.
Izračun koordinat škatlice:
N 46° 03.STU
STU = (J x K) - (B + I)
E 014° VW.XYZ
VW = G + H
XYZ = (FC x D) - (E x A) + (B x D)
Kontrolno število: A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K = 104
Trim steza Mostec - multicache
From mid-october 2012 citizens and visitors of Ljubljana can train and raise their fitness level on a new 520 m long “recreational trail” which cosists from 15 training areas with different exercises. Exercises are explained to users on the info boards beside the each training spot.
This multicache, if done often enough, will help you to improve your balance and raise your fitness level, so you will be better prepared for those hard geocaches that wait outside for you to be found. If you are one time visitor only than we just hope you’ll have fun doing it.
Well, let's start...
Stage E1 - Jumping with your legs stretched
Jump over all of the obstacles. How many times have you jumped? Mark this number with letter A.
Stage E2 - Climbing the rope
Climb as high as you can at all exercise spots. How many times have you climbed? Mark this number with letter B.
Stage E5 - Balance training
Take a look at the instructions on the info board and try do the exercise the same way as shown on the picture. I bet you can’t write while doing it so you get no number here.
Stage E4 - Abs exercise
Set yourself to the starting position for lifting the upper part of your body. How many parts of the device is in contact with your body? Mark this number with letter C. C is an even number.
Stage E3 - Squat and jump
Jump four times at each exercise spot. How many times have you jumped? Mark this number with letter D.
Stage E6 - Lift your body
Want to have stronger hands? Pull yourself up a few times. This one is just for fun and you get no number here.
Stage E7 - Jump over
Jump two times over all the obstacles. How many times have you jumped? Mark this number with letter E.
Stage E8 - Hands and chest training
How many people can work out on this device at the same time? Mark this number with letter F.
Stage E9 - Climbing device
Starting position for this exercise is you holding a pair of handles at one end of the device and finish the exercise with your hands holding the last pair of handles on the other side of the device. How many “steps” forward have you done with your hands while doing the exercise? Mark this number with letter G. G is an even number.
Stage E10 - Jump over - sideways
Jump three times over all the obstacles. How many times have you jumped? Mark this number with letter H.
Stage E11 - Gymnastics rings
Take a good look at the instructions on the info board and do the exercise the same way as shown on the picture. What number do your hips follow when doing the exercise? Mark this number with letter I.
Stage E12 - Lifting the logs
Take a look at the instructions on the info board and do some log lifting. As both of your hands are busy and you can’t hold a pen to write, you get no number here.
Stage E14 - Paralel bars - balance training
Take a look at the instructions on the info board and try do the exercise the same way as shown on the picture. This one is just pure fun so you get no number here.
Stage E13 - Jumping over and balance training
Jump ten times over all the obstacles. How many times have you jumped? Mark this number with letter J.
Stage E15 - Climbing a ladder
Starting position for this exercise is you holding a crossbar at one end of the device: Finish the exercise with your hands holding the last crossbar on the other side of the device. How many “steps” forward have you done with your hands during the exercise? Mark this number with letter K. K is an even number.
To calculate the final coordinates of the cache use the formula below:
N 46° 03.STU
STU = (J x K) - (B + I)
E 014° VW.XYZ
VW = G + H
XYZ = (FC x D) - (E x A) + (B x D)
Control Number: A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K = 104