Paisagem Divoriana Traditional Cache
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Uma paisagem beliíssima, atravessando o vale do Divor, sempre acompanhados pelo rio, quer pelos sons quer pelos tons da vegetação rípicola. Só mesmo de bicicleta, a pé ou a cavalo.
Colocada a 8 de Abril...
And for our foreign friends, this is all this cache is about:
I walked a league and o'er the moor;
I walked and walked as ne’er before,
And on to walk from dale to hill
And on again to claim the thrill.
Behold! that walking does for me:
The senses heightened, mind of glee,
While rolling vistas pass me by
To swell the heart, enthrall the eye.
Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2009
Additional Hints
Qronvkb qn CRQEN.
Haqre gur FGBAR.