Pick 10 Challenge Mystery Cache
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The posted coordinates are the actual location. You have to do 10 cache types in 24 hours to be able to log this one.
Some of the harder to find cache types are almost nonexistant in this area, so THIS CACHE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DONE IN THE ALAMO AREA!
The only requirement to log this challenge is to complete 10 cache types in a 24 hour period. Any cache type counts!
Traditional Cache
Letterbox Hybrid
Project APE Cache
Unknown Cache
Virtual Cache
Event Cache
Mega-Event Cache
Cache In Trash Out Event
Webcam Cache
Wherigo Cache
* Benchmarks
* Waymarks
GPS Adventures Exhibit
LAB Caches
Groundspeak Block Party
Groundspeak HQ
Groundspeak Lost and Found Celebration
Locationless (Reverse) Cache
To log it, I need you to make a list within your log with the serial number and cache type for each of your 10 finds.
For example, here is our list:
GC44FQ1 - event
GC1HVN6 - traditional
GC16Z05 - Mystery
GC2K462 - Multi
GCN973 - Earth
AY0125 - Benchmark
WM9C91 - Waymark
GC1R2KB - Letterbox
GCHMQB - Virtual
I'm not requiring a bookmark list because you can't add waymarks and benchmarks to one.
Additional Hints