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Dark Side of the Moon - released March 1973 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/19/2013
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd released first in USA on March 1, 1973, & in UK on 24 March.

This album is the one I have owned the most copies of - cassettes, CDs. As they wear out I buy a new one.
Also, it's probably the album / music I have played the most times in my life.
These days I listen to it on youtube - and during March 2013 (40th anniversary) I am playing it every day.

There is nothing special about the cache, I'm sorry. Usually, I don't like caches that are not at a great locality or are interesting containers, hides, challenges, but I wanted to put out a simple one that will be my commemoration of this amazing album.

The terrain may become more difficult during winter if blackberries and other vegetation grow extensively in this area.

There will be a little 'reward' to gain for the first 5 or so finders. My way of saying "Thanks for the memories".

Original gifts, to choose one of, include:
A music CD (Pink Floyd, of course)
A DVD with "Dark Side" in the title
iTunes gift voucher.

If you're one of the first finders and the gifts are gone, feel free to contact me. (Especially, with iTunes vouchers - I have extra and can send you the code to Redeem them.

I'd love your logs to mention a quick note about your thoughts on this music, or what album / music holds the same place in your memories.

This is a Premium Members only cache, because I believe the "rewards" should go to cachers who are committed to geocaching enough to sign up.

And all that is nowAnd all that is goneAnd all that's to comeAnd everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cnex va gur pyrne nern ba gur pbeare bs Zrnqbjf Eq naq nccebnpu sebz ABEGU gb nibvq haqretebjgu.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)