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The 000-call Mystery Cache

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A cache by [DELETED_USER]
Hidden : 2/2/2013
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

As you would expect, the cache is not at the listed coordinates.

A concerned dog walking muggle had rung the 000-line and reported that, when he was walking his dog, he had seen an unconscious cache lying outside its home.

As the whole thing sounded a little weird, as a precaution, all three emergency services were dispatched to the scene. Unfortunately the crews could not proceed all the way to the scene in their vehicles, the listing coordinates give you the place where ambulance and firies were met by the caller muggle. (The police crew approached the scene from a different place, as for them it seemed to be quicker from there.) The muggle had an appointment at the vet with his dog, so he was unable to guide the emergency crews to the scene, but he gave them directions on how to get there.
The muggle had pointed up the road and told them that there was a walking path starting at the top end of the cemetery. When they arrived at the place where, according to the dog muggle, the path started, it was clear that there was no point in taking the stretcher, so they left it in the vehicle and only took all the other equipment. The firies in their role as rescue crew in this case, helped carrying the extrication board, cardiac monitor, oxygen, first response bag, etc. The muggle had told them that the cache lived on the Maidenhair Track and there was more than one way to get to the scene, but had suggested "the one that was higher up was a little easier for them with all the gear, not the first path that goes off to the right". So the crews made their way up the hill for a bit over 100m first, before turning off to the right and walking along the side of the hill. According to the dog walking muggle the home of the unconscious cache was on the hill side of the path between some rocks. After lugging all the equipment for what felt like a kilometre (but really was less than 500m) they spotted the clump of bamboo the muggle had mentioned; it was supposedly approx. 3-5m from the cache, so the crews started looking around for the cache.
After a few minutes of searching they did spot the drain pipe-like container, lying there, uncovered with only a log book and a pen. Turns out the poor little cache was suffering from 'swag deficiency', which resulted in severe 'signature to swag imbalance' . The paramedics administered some oxygen and filled it up with swag items. The cache regained consciousness almost immediately and all its vital signs returned to normal - so it didn't even have to go to hospital . This was a very successful rescue, and the cache is now enjoying its quiet life on the hill again. If you come to visit, remember to make sure the cache doesn't loose its 'balance'.

To find out where exactly the cache is you will need to follow the directions the emergency crews got and also use the clues from the three "000" caches (GC3EGZW, GC3EGZP, GC3EGZJ) to pinpoint where on the track you have to stop and start searching. The clues give you a few more details on the directions and (more importantly) they tell you how far away from their station (GZ/Final) each crew was once they were on "scene".

Beware of hill walking/jogging muggles and dog walking muggles. If you are searching for the cache in the heat of the day, don't forget to bring water and sunscreen. If you come around sunset mozzie repellant is a good idea!

Teams who have found the '000-caches/clues' previously to this new listing, feel free to contact me for the new clues!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)