Digging a Hole to China Mystery Cache
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Congratulations to loligo forbesi on being FTF!
The cache is NOT at the listed coordinates - you a have a journey to the other side of the world to make before you can return to Dublin to collect the cache. And a little bit of maths to do too.
China or bust
Growing up in Ireland, the conventional wisdom among the kids I knew was that if you were to dig a hole straight down, right through the centre of the earth, you would end up in China. Now, I have never been one to turn down a challenge... so, it was China or bust! Clad in asbestos underwear, pick axe in hand, I filled my boots and off I went like one of the seven dwarves.
I dug straight down and eventually ended up... somewhere. Where? Hmmm...

Since I wasn't where I expected, nowhere near China at all, more like a few hundred miles off the coast of Campbell Island, New Zealand, I figured the dim-sums weren't likely to be up to much and, so, decided to return home.
I went back through my tunnel, filling it in on my way back home (I did such a good job cleaning up after myself, you would never even know the tunnel had ever existed). When I resurfaced, I commemorated my first trip to New Zealand by hiding a Geocache right where I started.
Can you find this cache?
The Cache
Please note that no digging or digging tools are required to find this cache. 
You are looking for a long thin placement, held with strong magnets. Please don't drop when replacing! No space for trackables, just a log and pencil.
You can check your answers for this puzzle on GeoChecker.com.

Additional Hints
Nagvcbqrf, arne fbzrguvat qragvfgf ungr.