Some call us witches, demons and alchemists.
There are those who will curse our souls and spit and the sound of our name.
We will make them rue the day we were born, when our undead rise and continue to travel the earth.
Zombies, ghouls, vampires, ghosts, proxy, call them what you will, it does not matter.
You will not keep us in this crypt. With the help of a chosen few we will travel again.
Cache to cache, event to event. We will return...................................
This is a special cache that is dedicated to reviving dead travel bugs.
Welcome to the Sepulchre of the Damned (Travel Bug Reanimation cache)

Finding the Cache
This is a regular cache in urban environment which requires you to move quickly and beware of muggles. Use as little light as possible. It only attracts unwanted attention. Leaving living travel bugs into the cache is recommended. All the bugs that survive a whole night in this cache get a right to use the
"I survived the Sepulchre of the Damned (Travel Bug Reanimation cache)" logo.
As long as there is room, all trade items are welcome.
Reviving Your Travel Bug
If your travel bug is lost and you think it deserves a second chance you may choose to drop it to this cache. By doing so, you will have to accept the following rules. These rules also apply to the people willing to revive the bugs.
- Only the owner may drop his/her dead bugs here.
- Upon dropping the bug, the bug's tracking number should written on a postcard and dropped inside the physical cache OR sent by email to A.S.S. who will take it there. ( Meaning if you are not located near here I will drop off your deceased for someone to revive...email me)
- Any visitor of the physical cache may take a post card with the intention of reviving that dead bug from the Sepulchre. This "grave digger" should inform the true owner of what the bug now looks like. You can add a picture to the log page.
- The grave digger should try to create a bug that is as close as possible to the original bug and its task. Since this might be rather difficult, there will be transmutations involved in reviving the bugs. (There are always transmutations when one rises from the dead)
- The grave digger can use a proxy TB tag or, the grave digger should design a tag that is robust enough to travel with the new bug.
Please drop the reanimated TB into another cache as soon as possible.