Hurtle: Time for this GeoArt to go....
It was born from an idea of firesafe, Honeysucker and myself to put out a big series for the Oz Mega Event once the location was announced. We did it independently of the organising committee and got the 203 cache published in early Jan of 2013. It was the biggest GeoArt/Powertrail in Australia at the time.
Since then some 60-70k of finds have been made with the peak being at the Oz Mega at Easter 2014, where on one day of finds alone more than 6500 'found it' emails were received.
I would like to thank CPWanderer, Froghoppin, and the numerous local and interstate teams whom have assisted with maintenance over the last 4 1/2 years which has kept all but 1 (archived due to a new house at GZ that wasn't there when placed) of the remaining 173 cache still going (The 29 cache that made the 'S.A.' were archived before the Mega due to 'an incident' with a farmer over a weed!)
As for the cache containers they have been collected today and there is nothing to find out there now. The archiving process will begin ASAP
My apologies for those whom may have a solution for them, but interest has been waning greatly in the last 12 months and an opportunity came up for them to be collected yesterday.
Thanks again to all the finders, and for the support for the series and maybe we can learn from this experience...