Cache Romana Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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This cache is located in a cave close to one of the many prehistoric and historic sites in Malta.
To find the cache you need to take the Xemxija Heritage Trail which leads over a roman road (rather a path, but with recognisable features like drainages) and past a menhir and roman-punic bee hives carved out of the rock. In short, thousands of years in a few hundred metres. Ceramic plates mark the different sites.
The cache is in a cave which is close to the roman road and can be accessed without special equipment. It is not directly on the roman road. The GPS is of course not working in the cave, but you don’t need to go in too far to find the cache.
Additional Hints
Va gur Pnir. Nsgre n srj zrgerf ba gur evtug va nobhg 80 pz urvtug.