This circuit is mostly on public footpaths / bridleways, but there is some minor road involved. It starts near the church to the south of Shamley Green, see Church Micro, 754, Shamley Green. Proceeds SW to Long Common. Turns NW to Lordshill Common. Wiggles through the W of Shamley Green itself. North along the road then the path past the lake. Then NE to the main road which it crosses. Past Lostiford, turning SE over Northcote Lane and past Lee Farm. Then S down to Woodhall Lane and finally SW past Plonks Farm back to the start.
This cache is a small 450mL clip lock box. Initial treasures include: football whistle; block slide puzzle; highland cow from the Isle of Skye; ... .
Ensure well covered when rehidden.
Congratulations on First To Find to jamespxd and 2TF to GooseGirl06.
Good hunting. You may also be interested in my other caches.