Več kot 250 let star mlin na vodni pogon.
Žagerski mlin je edini še delujoči mlin na vodni pogon v zgornjem delu zgornje Savinjske doline. Pred 2. Svetovno vojno jih je bilo samo v Lučah in bližnjih zaselkih preko dvajset. Žal pa zaradi elektrifikacije in tehničnega napredka ti mlini niso bili več ekonomsko upravičeni, zato so vsi propadli. Veliko zaslug za propad pa je imel politični sistem, ki je prikazoval te in podobne objekte kot nepotrebno navlako. Z leti pa se je takšna miselnost prijela tudi ljudi. Skratka, kar ni uničil čas in oblast, so pomagali pospraviti in uničiti lastniki sami. Žagerski mlin je bil v kataster zaveden že v času Marije Terezije, torej je star vsaj 250 let. V prejšnjem stoletju je pogorel. Po nesreči ga je zažgal Žagerski oče, ko je s kresilnim kamnom kresal ogenj, da bi si prižgal pipo. Iskra je skočila v suho slamnato streho, ki se je takoj vnela. Mlin je bil v tistih časih za kmeta nuja, zato ga je lastnik kmalu obnovil, predstavljal pa je tudi nekakšen statusni simbol. Po 2. Svetovni vojni je komunistična oblast mlin zapečatila. Žagerski Joža je napravil vanj skriti vhod, da je lahko ponoči naskrivaj mlel. Takrat se je začela širiti vest med domačini, da v žagerskem mlinu straši. Lastniku so te govorice kar odgovarjale, kajti ljudje so se bližine mlina ponoči izogibali. Kasneje je prepoved mletja nekako zvodenela, ker so dacarji spoznali, da lastnik z mletjem ne bo obogatel. Žagerski Joža je mlel nekje do sredine 80.-tih let, ko sta se oba, mlinar in mlin, iztrošila in postarala. Dokončno je mlin uničila povodenj leta 1990. Obnovil ga je leta 1996 Jože Kaker iz Luč. Princip delovanja je enak kot pred stoletji. Voda poganja mlinsko kolo, ki preko lesenih zobniških prenosov vrti par črnih kamnov. Manjša težava, hkrati pa zanimivost tega mlina je, da se ne vrti ves čas enakomerno, kajti količina vode niha. Približno vsaki dve minuti se količina vode zmanjša oz. Poveča, kar povzroči spremembo hitrosti obratov. Ta sprememba je občasna, obratuje skoraj skozi vse leto, izjema so le izredno sušna obdobja in daljša izredno mrzla zimska obdobja, ko led oklene kolo ter žlebove.
More then 250 year old water-powered mill.
Žager mill is the only operating water-powered mill in the upper part Savinja valley. Before Second World War there were almost twenty mills in Luče and nearby villages. Unfortunately, due to electrification and technological progress these mills were no longer economically viable, so they all get ruined. A lot of credit for the destruction of the mills had a political system which presented this and similar facilities as unnecessary. Over the years, such thinking was accepted by people. In short, what was not destroyed by time and authority was destroyed by the owners themselves. Žagar mill was registered in time of Marija Terezija, which means that mill is at least 250 years old. In the last century the mill was burned down. The accident happened when the owner so called Žagerski oče lit his pipe with the flint stone. A spark from flint stone jumped in to a dry thatched roof, which immediately caught fire. The mill was in those days the farmer's imperative and a kind of status symbol, therefore, owner soon restored it. After the Second World War, the communist authorities ban milling grain and closed the mill. Žagerski Joža had made the secret entrance so that he can secretly mill grain late at night. The rumors began to spread among the village people that the Žager mill is haunted. Owner had liked the rumors, because people have avoided the mill at night. Later, the authorities allowed milling again, because they recognized that the owner will not make a fortune. Žager mill stop milling in mid-80th, when both, miller and mill, get worn and old. Finally, the flood destroyed the mill in 1990. It was restored in 1996 by Joze Kaker from Luče. The principle of operation is the same as centuries ago. Water powered mill wheel, through which wooden gearing rotates a pair of black stones. Minor problem, but at the same time interesting is that the mill does not rotate equally at all the time. The amount of water varies, approximately every two minutes the amount of water reduces or increases, resulting in a change of pace. Mill operates nearly all year round, with exception in the extremely dry periods and longer periods of extremely cold winter, when ice cling to the wheel and gutters.